Pets Clayton King Pets Clayton King

Garbo: The Development of a Schnauzer

Garbo entered our lives in December 2023. At nine weeks old and 11 pounds, she was a playful puppy. With paws the size of a grown dog, she would scamper around the yard and jump on her brother, Chaplin, with the energy only a young pup can muster.

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Pets Clayton King Pets Clayton King

Sullivan Schwalk

I’d been talking to Sullivan a lot in the last few weeks. This little dog (and his brother) saw me through some amazing times – good and bad. I have said from the beginning that Sullivan made me laugh daily.

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Pets Clayton King Pets Clayton King

Gilbert Gooligas

Gilbert was an incredible snuggle buddy and a huge piece of my heart. We raised Gilbert and Sullivan from 8 weeks old, and as I worked from home the first three years of their lives, two of which included our initial move to Columbia, they are as much part of me as I of them.

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Pets Clayton King Pets Clayton King

On Your Pet’s End of Life

“It turns out that pets also have last wills before they die, but only known to vets who put old and sick animals to sleep.” Twitter user Jesse Dietrich asked a vet what the hardest part of his job was.

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