Gilbert Gooligas

Today, Jeffery and I made a difficult decision to help Gilbert cross the rainbow bridge. Over the past year, we have struggled to ensure his quality of life was as good as it could be, balancing that with the certainty we were thinking of only him and not ourselves. I have come to understand the vast difference between thriving and just existing, and his rapid decline over the last few months brought us to this point.

Seven years ago (half his life), he went through an intensive year-long treatment for AIHA. Some of my friends may remember the ongoing updates and posts about it. Gilbert made it through and was able to enjoy the second half of his life and continued to delight everyone he encountered. This little dog has seen me through some difficult and challenging times during his life. A friend described him as “the Clayton whisperer.”

Gilbert Gooligas
May 2008-July 2022

A sweet friend recently shared a post on Facebook about the subject, and, among other things, the article said,

“It is inevitable that they die before you. Remember that you were the center of their lives. Maybe they were just a part of you… Even if it’s hard, don’t give up on them.”

We raised Gilbert and Sullivan from 8 weeks old, and as I worked from home the first three years of their lives, two of which included our initial move to Columbia, they are as much part of me as I of them.

My social media posts can leave no question about how much we love Gilbert and his brother, Sullivan. That love has led us to today. In human years, Gilbert was about 78, and I’m grateful he can go to Heaven with grace and dignity while in the arms of his human who loves him unconditionally.

I appreciate everyone’s answer to my prayer request and ask that you continue to keep Jeffery, Sullivan, and me held in prayer. As I lamented Gilbert’s passing would leave an enormous hole in my heart, Jeffery thankfully and earnestly said, “It’s not about you. It’s about Gilbert. Focus on that.” So, while I am heartsick, I am at peace.

Thank you to Robert Cabe for the outstanding care and grace he offered in seeing us through this very difficult time.

It is finished.


An Important List


On Your Pet’s End of Life