Garbo: The Development of a Schnauzer

Garbo-9 weeks old

Garbo entered our lives in December 2023. At nine weeks old and 11 pounds, she was a playful puppy. With paws the size of a grown dog, she would scamper around the yard and jump on her brother, Chaplin, with the energy only a young pup can muster.

Today, at a little over six months old, Garbo has grown to a 38-pound bundle of dramatic joy with paws covering my hand. We considered several names when we got her. Like most parents, choosing a name is a curious thing. But this puppy validated our choice as she slid right into a pattern of behavior that recalled her namesake’s signature catchphrase, “I want to be alone.” Garbo often flops down on her bed or the couch, one paw dramatically held over her forehead. And when this happens, I’m teased with, “Yes, she’s your dog.”

Garbo-9 weeks. Chaplin-16 months.

One significant difference between Garbo and Chaplin has been their development. Chaplin joined us when he was about 16 weeks old. While they are true siblings, sharing the same parents, Garbo was more malleable at nine weeks. And because we were concerned about leaving this little dog home unsupervised during the day with her big (heavier) brother, she went to work with me every day - something that continues because she so enjoys the attention she receives. This inherently made her a more social dog. Never mind, she enjoys having the couch in my office all to herself!

Jeffery and I often joke that Garbo grows every Thursday. Unsurprisingly, this trend continued until she was spayed, and her surgery caused a little hiccup in that pattern. During her recovery, we were relieved she didn’t pay much attention to her incision and, therefore, didn’t have to wear a cone of shame. We did find a cute onesie to keep Chaplin’s curiosity at bay, though. A month later, she was back on track. I think her paws have grown exponentially, and her voice has deepened from that of a yappy pup to a mature alto. She belts out a bark like nobody’s business.

Garbo loves her brother, but is feisty with him. We often watch them - one on the floor and one on the couch - “talking” to each other. Snapping, growling, yapping, licking. I know it’s the language of love between two siblings. But oh, how I wish we could understand what they are saying.

“I vant to be aloone.”

She has always been one of the “smiliest” dogs you’ll ever meet.

Garbo and Chaplin bring great joy to our lives when they’re not destroying the backyard, which, if I’m being honest, they just own at this point. I constantly remind myself we have two puppies, a year apart in age, but both are rambunctious and fun. So, while I lament the condition of our grass and yard, I am also grateful for their presence in our lives.

Someone asked me if she was broken. I said, “No. She’s just very specific.”


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