The Nashville Statement

In a time when I watch my family and friends deal with the horrors of Hurricane Harvey, when death and suffering are prominent, and I see humanity coming together to help, uplift and support each other, it is disheartening to read about a group of evangelicals that would release such an ill conceived and myopic “manifesto” such as their Nashville Statement.

Decried by the city’s mayor, Megan Barry tweeted, “The…so-called “Nashville Statement” is poorly named and does not represent the inclusive values of the city & people of Nashville. Likewise, it is my personal observation this disgusting litany does not represent the beliefs shared by other major Christian denominations in the United States, including the Evangelical Lutheran Church, Presbyterian Church (USA), Episcopal Church, and a growing body of others. It says a great deal about its authors and adherents that among those who affixed their signatures to this document include Steve Gaines, president of The Southern Baptist Convention, Russell Moore, president of the SBC’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, Albert Mohler, president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and [most notably] Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council. and James Dobson, Focus on the Family.

On the heels of the abhorrent display that took place a few weeks ago in Charlottesville, Virginia, and amidst the still-unfolding disaster on the Texas Gulf Coast, this group has published this document online ( One Twitter post read: To release it in the direct aftermath of Charlottesville, in the throes of Harvey, is a gross example of pastoral & leadership malpractice. The preamble to this document starts: “Know that the LORD Himself is God; It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves…” –Psalm 100:3 . Indeed, I believe this is true. I do not, however, believe it means what the authors of this document believe it means. I believe that God made me in his image. And I believe I was born gay. I have no problem with those two ideas coexisting.

To be clear, I believe these are actually one simple statement. God made me the way I am. In reading through some of the articles of this statement, what I take away is a bunch of words. Words wrapped in religious-sounding platitudes that completely bypass the humanity of both the LGBT community and Jesus Christ himself. In a time when hateful people double down on their ugliness, the entire thing reeks of desperation.

One “article” that stood out was: “WE DENY that the divinely ordained differences between male and female render them unequal in dignity or worth.” I completely believe this to be true. And yet, the signatories (whose names appear at the bottom of this note) continue to uplift a system that does not support this statement. Specifically, a woman’s “dignity and worth” are not subject to a man’s prerogatives. Yet the societal rules these people would have us follow, on the one hand, seek to lessen a woman’s value in the workplace, and at the same time, prevent that woman from making her own choices with regard to her body. There are 14 articles in this thing, all of which only reaffirm to me exactly why the Church (capital “C” for clarity) continues to lose its congregants. By creating a system of good and evil, reward and punishment, the church, from it’s earliest roots) has people either “in” or “out” of the group. Indeed, they write, “This secular spirit of our age presents a great challenge to the Christian church.” I couldn’t agree more. And yet, I wonder where this challenge originated. Could it be with the very people writing this manifesto? Could it be the Southern Baptist Convention, along with its political adherents with the likes of Tony Perkins and James Dobson? These are men who, among many others, have done more harm to the LGBT community by doubling down on their own perverted understanding of humanity.

I’m reminded of my conversation with Bishop John Shelby Spong in Columbia. In discussing why the church was dwindling, asked the question, “Do you find this kind of Christianity appealing?” When the Republican party engaged the so-called moral majority decades ago, it was a carefully thought out, if not incredibly sly, tactic. Create a sense of right and wrong. Create a sense of dirty and clean. A sense of righteousness and fallen. Human nature will take care of who lands on which side. After all, who doesn’t want to be on the right side of the situation? The obvious question is, “Which side do you think is the right side?” I am thankful that in my lifetime, I have seen more and more Christian leaders preach the very opposite of this Nashville Statement. I have seen Christian and other religious leaders step outside the rhetoric and ugliness to uplift people of all backgrounds, sexual orientations, and gender identities. I thank God for men like Mark Sandlin and John Pavlovitz. And Bishop John Shelby Spong, who gave voice to a reasoned understanding of Jesus Christ.

As I read such divisive and hurtful words uttered by the very people who purport to share the gospel and the Grace of God, I am sadly reminded of the quote by Gandhi: “I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” I pray for the people listed below. I pray that God will show them mercy instead of justice. But most of all, I pray that their followers will question the hatred they preach. Until then, I sing. I uplift others. And I praise God – the one who made me a gay man. Copied from the website, the following are signatories to the Nashville Statement:



Denny Burk
President, Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood

Erick-Woods Erickson
Editor in Chief, The Resurgent

Mark L. Bailey
President & Senior Professor of Bible Exposition, Dallas Theological Seminary

K. Erik Thoennes
Professor and Chair of Theology, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University

Vaughan Roberts
Rector of St. Ebbe’s Church, Oxford, UK

David French
Senior Writer, National Review

Paige Patterson
President, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

R. Kent Hughes
Visiting Professor of Practical Theology, Evangelism and Culture, Westminster Theological Seminary

Jeff Iorg
President, Gateway Seminary

Sam Storms
Lead Pastor for Preaching and Vision, Bridgeway Church

Richard Land
President, Southern Evangelical Seminary

Barbara Rainey
Co-Founder, Family

Robert A. J. Gagnon
Scholar and Author of The Bible and Homosexual Practice

Samuel W. “Dub” Oliver
President, Union University

Ronnie Floyd
Senior Pastor, Cross Church Former SBC President

C. J. Mahaney
Senior Pastor, Sovereign Grace Church of Louisville

Jason G. Duesing
Provost, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary & College

Matt Carter
Pastor of Preaching and Vision, The Austin Stone Church

Chuck Kelley
President, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary

Burk Parsons
Copastor, St. Andrew’s Chapel

Eric Teetsel
President, Family Policy Alliance of Kansas

Alastair Roberts
Scholar & Author of Heirs Together: A Theology of the Sexes

Kevin Ezell
President, North American Mission Board

Ray Ortlund
Pastor, Immanuel Church

O. S. Hawkins
President, GuideStone SBC

Thom S. Rainer
President & CEO, LifeWay Christian Resources

Michael Reeves
President and Professor of Theology, Union School of Theology, UK

Todd Wagner
Pastor, Watermark Community Church

John M. Frame
Professor Emeritus of Systematic Theology and Philosophy, Reformed Theological Seminary

Randy Stinson
Senior VP for Academic Administration and Provost, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Mac Brunson
Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church of Jacksonville

Paul Nyquist
President, Moody Bible Institute

Thomas Schreiner
Professor of New Testament Interpretation, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

H. Wayne House
Academic Dean and Distinguished Research Professor, Faith International University

J. P. Moreland
Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University

Miguel Nuñez
Pastor, Iglesia Bautista International, Dominican Republic

Bruce Ware
Professor of Christian Theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Michael Goeke
Associate Pastor, FBC San Francisco

Joel Belz
Founder, World Magazine, World News Group

Michael Horton
J. Gresham Machen Professor of Theology and Apologetics, Westminster Seminary California

Donna Thoennes
Adjunct Professor and homeschool mom, Biola University

James A. Borland
Professor of New Testament & Theology, Liberty University

Eric C. Redmond
Assistant Professor of Bible, Moody Bible Institute

Grant Castleberry
Pastor of Discipleship, Providence Church

Jose Abella
Lead Pastor, Providence Road Church

Phillip Bethancourt
Executive Vice President, Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission

Adam W. Greenway
Dean, Billy Graham School of Missions, Evangelism, & Ministry, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Joy White
Homemaker & Assistant Professor of Women’s Studies, Cedarville University

Gregory Wills
Dean, School of Theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Katie McCoy
Assistant Professor of Theology in Women’s Studies, Scarborough College

Rhyne R. Putman
Associate Professor of Theology and Culture, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary

Barry Joslin
Professor of Christian Theology, Boyce College

Rhonda Kelley
President’s Wife, Adjunct Faculty, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary

Peter Jones
Executive Director, truthXchange

John Piper
Founder & Teacher, Desiring God Chancellor, Bethlehem Seminary and College

Russell Moore
President, Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission

J. I. Packer
Professor of Theology, Regent College

Wayne Grudem
Research Professor of Theology and Biblical Studies, Phoenix Seminary

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
President, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Tony Perkins
President, Family Research Council

D. A. Carson
Research Professor of New Testament, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

John MacArthur
Pastor, Grace Community Church President, The Master’s Seminary and College

Sam Allberry
Speaker & Apologist, Ravi Zacharias International Ministries

R. C. Sproul
Founder & Chairman, Ligonier Ministries

Rosaria Butterfield
Author of The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert

Francis Chan
Author & Pastor, We Are Church

Marvin Olasky
Editor in Chief, World Magazine

Ligon Duncan
Chancellor & CEO, Reformed Theological Seminary

Steve Gaines
President, The Southern Baptist Convention Pastor, Bellevue Baptist Church

Andrew T. Walker
Director of Policy Studies, Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission

H. B. Charles, Jr.
Pastor, Shiloh Metropolitan Baptist Church

Christopher Yuan
Speaker & Author, Moody Bible Institute

Dennis Rainey
Founder & Former President, FamilyLife

Frank Page
President & CEO, Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee Former SBC President

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth
Author & Speaker, Revive Our Hearts

Daniel L. Akin
President, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

Kevin DeYoung
Senior Pastor, Christ Covenant Church

Alistair Begg
Reverend, Parkside Church

Heath Lambert
Executive Director, Association of Certified Biblical Counselors

Jerry A. Johnson
President & CEO, National Religious Broadcasters

Mark Dever
Pastor, Capitol Hill Baptist Church

Randy Alcorn
Director, Eternal Perspectives Ministries

Karen Swallow Prior
Professor of English, Liberty University

Matt Chandler
Pastor, The Village Church

Fred Luter
Senior Pastor, Franklin Avenue Baptist Church Former SBC President

James MacDonald
Founder and Senior Pastor, Harvest Bible Chapel Former SBC President

James Merritt
Pastor, Cross Pointe Church Former SBC President

Jack Graham
Pastor, Prestonwood Baptist Church

J. D. Greear
Pastor, The Summit Church

Darryl Delhousaye
President, Phoenix Seminary pte

Thomas White
President, Cedarville University

Bryant Wright
Senior Pastor, Johnson Ferry Baptist Church Former SBC President

Don Sweeting
President, Colorado Christian University

Jeff Purswell
Director of Theology, Sovereign Grace Churches

Johnny Hunt
Pastor, FBC Woodstock Former SBC President

Jason K. Allen
President, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

Jacie Hill Perry
Speaker, Writer, Humble Beast Recording Artist

Mark Daniel Liederbach
Professor & Vice President, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

Matthew J. Hall
Dean of Boyce College & Senior VP of Academic Innovation, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Micah Fries
Senior Pastor, Brainerd Baptist Church

Nathan Lino
Senior Pastor, Northeast Houston Baptist Church

Paul Weber
President & CEO, Family Policy Alliance

Bob Lepine
Vice President of Content, FamilyLife

Andy Naselli
Associate Professor of New Testament and Theology, Bethlehem College & Seminary

John Stevens
National Director, Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches

Casey B. Hough
Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church of Camden

Russell Shubin
Director, Salem Media Group

Allan Coppedge
Retired Professor of Theology, Asbury Theological Seminary

Daniel DeWitt
Director of the Center for Biblical Apologetics & Public Christianity, Cedarville University

Charlotte Akin
Homemaker, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

James Dobson
Founder, Focus on the Family

Dick Lucas
Reverend Presbendary, Rector Emeritus, St. Helen’s Bishopgate, UK

Afshin Ziafat
Lead Pastor, Providence Church

Stephen Strang
Founder & CEO, Charisma Media

Christiana Holcomb
Legal Counsel, Alliance Defending Freedom

Jimmy Draper
President Emeritus, LifeWay Former SBC President

Stephen J. Wellum
Professor of Christian Theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Anthony Kidd
Pastor of Preaching, Community of Faith Bible Church

James M. Hamilton, Jr.
Professor of Biblical Theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Bryan Carter
Senior Pastor, Concord Church

Owen Strachan
Associate Professor of Christian Theology, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

Chris Larson
President & CEO, Ligonier Ministries

Bruce Riley Ashford
Provost and Professor of Theology & Culture, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

Candi Finch
Assistant Professor of Theology in Women’s Studies, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

Curtis Woods
Associate Executive Director, Kentucky Baptist Convention

Nathan Finn
Dean, School of Theology and Missions, Union University

James Robison
Founder & President, LIFE Outreach International Founder & Publisher, The Stream

C. Ben Mitchell
Graves Professor of Moral Philosophy, Union University

Darrell Bock
Senior Professor, Dallas Theological Seminary

William Philip
Senior Minister, The Tron Church, Glasgow, UK

David Mathis
Executive Editor, Desiring God

Ken Magnuson
Professor of Christian Ethics, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Daniel Heimbach
Senior Professor of Christian Ethics, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

Hershael W. York
Professor of Christian Preaching, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Mary Mohler
Director, Seminary Wives Institute

Hunter Baker
Associate Professor, Union University

Dorothy Kelley Patterson
Professor of Theology in Women’s Studies, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

Jim Shaddix
Professor of Expository Preaching, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

John N. Oswalt
Visiting Distinguished Professor of Old Testament, Asbury Theological Seminary

Jack Deere
Author and Speaker, Grace Church

Juan R. Sanchez
Senior Pastor, High Pointe Baptist Church

Malcolm B. Yarnell III
Research Professor of Systematic Theology, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

Jonathan Leeman
Editorial Director, 9Marks

Mary A. Kassian
Author, Director, Girls Gone Wise

Rebecca Jones
Volunteer, truthXchange

Evan Lenow
Associate Professor of Ethics, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

Daniel Patterson
Vice President for Operations and Chief of Staff, Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission

David Talley
Professor of Old Testament, Biola University

Travis Wussow
VP for Public Policy, Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission

Sean Perron
Chief of Staff, The Association of Certified Biblical Counselors

Michael L. Brown
President, FIRE School of Ministry

Keith Whitfield
Assistant Professor & Dean, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

Jeffrey Riley
Professor of Ethics, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary

Dannah Gresh
Co-founder, Pure Freedom

Matt Damico
Associate Pastor of Worship, Kenwood Baptist Church

Colby Adams
Director of Communications, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Paul Felix
President, Los Angeles Bible Training School

Colin Smothers
Executive Director, Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood

Bryan Baise
Assistant Professor of Philosophy & Apologetics, Boyce College

Kenneth Keathley
Senior Professor of Theology, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

Jeff Struecker
Pastor, Calvary Baptist Church

David Schrock
Pastor for Preaching and Theology, Occoquan Bible Church

Don Buckley
Physician, Spanish Trail Family Physicians

E. Calvin Beisner
Founder & National Spokesman, Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation

Donald A. Balasa
Adjunct Faculty, Trinity International University


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